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Discover the Power of Your Breath with Our MONTHLY BREATHWORK MEMBERSHIP!

Are you feeling overwhelmed by daily stress and struggling to manage your time, focus, competing priorities….and it all seems overwhelming?


Well…you have landed in the right place!






The Power of Your Breath Monthly Breathwork Membership is a transformative practice that will help you harness the power of your breath to enhance your overall well-being and focus.


Through intentional, conscious breath, our members learn how to regulate their nervous systems, move out of fight or flight, and activate their parasympathetic nervous system, leading to lower blood pressure and immediate relief from anxiety.


But the benefits don't stop there. With our regular practice, you'll learn to start and finish your days with intention and ease. All sessions are guided and facilitated by Ashlee Livingstone, who is a trained, experienced and certified Trauma-Informed Pause Breathwork Facilitator.


Ashlee’s guided sessions focus on consistency, accountability, and prioritizing self-care, ensuring that you can access as many or as few sessions as you need to support your integration.


As a member, you'll receive eight guided sessions every month, including two 30-minute sessions per week in weeks 1-3, and one 30-minute session and one 60-minute session in week 4.




Join us and discover the power of your breath today.


Benefits of consistent breathwork include (but are not limited to):


  • Learn how to manage daily stress and reduce overwhelm

  • Enhance your overall well-being and focus

  • Start and finish your days with intention and ease

  • Lower your blood pressure and feel immediate relief from anxiety

  • Regulate your nervous system and move out of fight or flight

  • Greater connection to self

  • Develop deeper self trust and intuition



Investment: $44.99/month USD or $44.99 + HST (13%) Canadian


(option to sign up for 12 months to receive one month FREE!)



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